Shop and Support: Amazon Smile Style

Did you know that for every Amazon purchase you make, you can support Working On Walking?

We may not know who you are, but we have a sneaky feeling that if you were to look up from your screen right now to scan the room, there’d be SOMETHING you’d see that was purchased on Amazon. That very item you purchased could help support our organization and the SMA community as a whole. Dare we say… remarkable?!

Amazon has been our saving grace a time or two— especially when our annual gala is around the corner. If you’ve ever planned an event for hundreds of people, you’ll likely understand the stress of the final countdown the week before the event. As much as we try to stay organized, we scramble at the last minute. More raffle tickets are needed. Plastic frames for signage are few and far between. We overlook little odds and ends like stickers or green envelopes. The list goes on! But, every single year, Amazon always comes through for us.

What’s even better is that we can support our cause with every purchase we make! That’s because when you shop through Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchase to us! Prices remain the same for you, and we benefit from the items you purchase. So, what we’re basically saying is... it’s not considered a shopping problem when it’s for a good cause right?! RIGHT!

Below we’ve written out the instructions and included screenshots to help you set your account to support us on a desktop and/or smartphone. Should you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email us! We’re happy to help. Here’s how it works.


1 // Visit Amazon Smile.

2 // Sign in with your Amazon credentials.

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3 // Search for Working On Walking.

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4 // Bookmark Amazon Smile for future purchases. Shopping through Smile will tell Amazon to share a part of your purchase’s proceeds with us.

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1 // Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device.


2 // Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings’.


3 //Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.


Happy shopping!


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